Saturday, 22 February , 2025

Mediterranean Union

International consequences of a Greek – Turkish war. A way to...

by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos In a previous article we examined the methods third forces may use to provoke a Greek - Turkish military conflict and...

Une guerre gréco-turque est-elle possible ? Ses implications potentielles pour l’UE,...

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Jul18, 2020 Dans un article précédent, nous avons discuté de la décision d'Ankara de transformer Sainte-Sophie en mosquée dans le contexte stratégique plus...

Is a Greek – Turkish War possible? Its potential implications for...

Βy Dimitris Konstantakopoulos In a previous article we discussed the decision of Ankara to turn Hagia Sophia into a mosque in the wider and changing...

Ублажая США и Германию, власти Греции теряют страну

Народ опять вышел на акции протеста, не желая становиться безликой колонией Димитрис Константакопулос 04/02/2018 В самом начале на это никто не обращал внимания. Два активиста, бывшие члены Движения независимых граждан,...

Greek protests about Macedonia are complicating US-NATO plans for war with...

For the BBC (16.00 London time) a revolt in Greece directly threatening the expansion of NATO was not among top stories. It preferred to speak...

Greek Summer Crisis: Geopolitical Winners and Losers

“It’s barbarism. I see it coming masqueraded under lawless alliances and predetermined enslavements. It may not be about Hitler's furnaces, but about the methodical...