Thursday, 13 March , 2025


Antibiotics: A Global Threat

Action Needed to Avoid the End of Modern Medicine By Martin Khor 11 December 2017 As global health leaders warn that antibiotic resistance is leading to the...

Prince Charles: patients should wait for illnesses to clear up naturally...

By Sarah Knapton 12 May 2016 Patients need to have more patience and wait for illnesses to clear up naturally rather than demanding drugs from...

Ces médicaments qui coûtent des milliards à l’assurance-maladie et menacent notre...

par Simon Gouin 5 octobre 2017 Quels sont les médicaments les plus coûteux pour l’assurance maladie ? Basta ! a compilé les données de l’année 2016 et...

Vithoulkas on Man, Medicine and Society

On Man, Medicine, Society and Homeopathy (and also on the health of politicians and on money, power and health) a talk of George Vithoulkas with Dimitris Konstantakopoulos