Thursday, 13 March , 2025


Identity politics, the far right, and masks

by Eoin McDermott 2nd November 2020 With the rise of the far right it is worth considering the issue of identity politics and the left....

Cuban Health Care: The Ongoing Revolution

by Don Fitz Quiet as it’s kept inside the United States, the Cuban revolution has achieved some phenomenal goals, reclaiming Cuba’s agriculture, advancing its literacy...

Rising COVID-19 death toll underscores decades-long crisis in Australian aged care

By Clare Bruderlin 26 August 2020 The catastrophic spread of COVID-19 throughout more than 130 aged care facilities in the Australian state of Victoria has...

The Life-Saving COVID-19 Drugs You’ve Never Heard Of (and Why)

Only the ridiculously profitable drugs are worth hyping. Only the money makers deserve 80,000 commercials telling every consumer to irrationally demand them. The cheap...

A pandemic of bad science

By Walter Scheirer Jul 20, 2020 ABSTRACT What can epidemiological models tell us about our potential exposure to COVID-19? What progress is being made with regard to...

Facebook shuts down Gaza health ministry page

By Ali Abunimah 26 August 2020 After The Electronic Intifada reported on the removal of the Gaza health ministry’s page, Facebook restored it. Iain Levine, the company’s...

L’ Afrique, périphérie de la crise ou épicentre de la solution...

Apparu dans la ville de Wuhan en Chine, diffusé en Asie et en Europe via les foyers iranien, italien, français ou espagnol, frappant massivement...

Magic and Voodoo Versus Science and Medicine

By Wayne Madsen May 20, 2020 © Photo: Reuters/Bing Guan Across the globe, as scientists and doctors are working a breakneck speed to develop safe vaccines and...

Sanofi, la face cachée – Medicament un bien commun

Par Thierry Bodin, Bernard Dubois, Danielle Montel (*) 15 mai 2020 Sanofi est un grand de l’industrie pharmaceutique mondiale. À l’heure où la crise sanitaire met...

Homeopathy in Modern Societies

A controversial debate has opened in the prestigious "Homeopathy Journal" concerning the pros and cons of the healing methodology of Homeopathy with relevance  to...