Monday, 10 March , 2025


There Is No Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela, Says UN Expert

20 February 2018 The American lawyer and historian, Alfred de Zayas, an expert in the field of human rights, warned about the use of the...

Western howls of outrage over the Ghouta siege ring hollow –...

How can we complain when we will not ourselves deal with the armed Islamist opposition to Assad (I am not at this point talking about...

This Deeply Held Commitment: A Meditation On The Death Of Robert...

By Caitlin Johnstone Jan 29, 2018 The legendary journalistic titan Robert Parry has died, and I still haven’t quite figured out how to live with that. I...

Robert Parry’s Legacy and the Future of Consortiumnews

January 28, 2018 Robert Parry, editor and publisher of, died peacefully Saturday evening. In this tribute, his son Nat Parry describes Robert’s unwavering commitment...

Venezuela : l’interdiction d’un parti qui n’existe pas | Par Thierry...

Même Le Média s’y est laissé prendre… Dans le cadre de l’élection présidentielle anticipée qui se déroulera dans quelques semaines au Venezuela, la Cour Suprême de...

AI and robotics reality show to hit the TV screen in...

By Jiang Jie People's Daily Online    September 20, 2017 China on Tuesday unveiled its first TV reality show on AI and robotics called “Fighting My Bots.” The show,...

L’initiative «No Billag» menace la sécurité de la Suisse

Par Alexis Pfefferlé, 5 novembre 2017 La radio-télévision publique est un élément vital de notre souveraineté, explique Alexis Pfefferlé, spécialiste du renseignement économique. En contrôlant...

Erdogan urged attack on Turkish Cypriot newspaper

By Associated Press January 22, 2018 NICOSIA, Cyprus — The editor-in-chief of a left-wing Turkish Cypriot newspaper alleged that Turkey’s president incited supporters to attack...

Cyprus: Τhreatening Journalists

Cyprus' Foreign Ministry condemns the incidents against the Turkish Cypriot ‘Afrika’ newspaper 22-01-2018 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its grave concern with regard to the...

Turkish Cypriot journalists take Afrika threats to Europe

By George Psyllides December 16th, 2017 The union of Turkish Cypriot journalists Basin Sen has written to international organisations to inform them of a terror campaign...