12 Décembre 2018
Lundi soir, les chefferies éditoriales avaient les yeux rivés sur l’allocution d’Emmanuel Macron. Et sans grande surprise, ses annonces ont été applaudies....
Plus d'une vingtaine de reporters photographes et journalistes indépendants, estimant avoir été pris pour cible par les forces de l'ordre lors de la manifestation...
par Pauline Perreno
6 Dcembre 2018
C’est peu dire que la tonalité médiatique générale vis-à-vis des gilets jaunes, et celle des éditorialistes en particulier, a changé...
By Andre Damon
5 December 2018
Over the past three weeks, hundreds of thousands of people have participated in “yellow vest” demonstrations in France against social...
November 24, 2018
On his program “On Contact,” journalist and author Chris Hedges interviews Joe Lauria, CN editor, on the moves to prosecute Julian Assange...
By William Mallinson
This article considers the phenomenon of what has become known as ‘Christian Zionism’, as manifested in particular in the United States of...
November 5, 2018
Saudi journalist and writer Turki Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Jasser has died after being tortured while in detention, the New Khaleej reported yesterday.
By Glenn Greenwald
October 20 2018
The highly likely ascension to power of far-right extremist Jair Bolsonaro is already unleashing a climate in which journalists who are critical...