By Klaus Dräger
The reporting of the German media on the yellow vests is somehow 'understanding' (because of the social demands and the sufferings of...
We publish below an extremely interesting and important article by Phil Butler.. We are not in position to confirm the veracity of the claims contained...
By Richard Baker
February 21, 2019
Fugitive Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been issued with a new Australian passport after lengthy negotiations over whether he was...
18 février 2019
Acrimed lance avec des associations, des organisations de journalistes, des médias, des syndicats et des organisations politiques une déclaration commune pour se...
YouTube Will Determine What ‘Conspiracy’ Is and Stop Recommending Such Videos
By Michael Krieger
Feb 11, 2019
While the evolution of Google’s YouTube from a free...
By Sam Biddle
August 20 2018
On August 13, Facebook shut down the English-language page of Telesur, blocking access for roughly half a million followers of...
Le directeur de l'hebdomadaire "Le Point", Etienne Gernelle, n'a pas apprécié les propos tenus par le président de la République lors d'une réunion informelle...