Sunday, 23 February , 2025


It’s becoming boring. Power is accusing Corbyn, Ilhan Omar and the...

Watch again: Seven MPs resign from Labour party over Brexit and antisemitism 18/02/2019 A group of seven MPs resigned from the UK's Labour party on Monday...

Macron: A ridiculous, still very dangerous President

Everyone but himself: Macron blames social media & Russia for Yellow Vests 3 Feb, 2019 Who is at fault for Yellow Vest protests raging in France...

Les stupéfiantes confidences de Macron aux journalistes

3.février.2019 Macron : « Éric Drouet est un produit médiatique ». Source : Le Point, Emmanuel Berretta, 02-02-2019 Le président de la République appelle les médias à...

New MacCarthyism. Now in France too

CREATION OF THE QUENNEDEY COMMITTEE Benoît Quennedey, administrator in the Senate (in the department responsible for architecture, heritage and gardens) and president of the France-Korea...

Répression France: Arrestation du président de l’association d’amitié franco-coréenne

Videos de la conférence de presse organisé par son éditeur;, les éditions Delga, et la librairie Tropiques. Libérons Benoît Quennedey Conférence de presse improvisée hier soir (lundi...

McCarthy lands in Europe finding Russian spies everywhere!

Austria Calls for Thorough Probe Into Ex-Colonel Suspected Spying for Russia 10.11.2018 Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen called for a comprehensive investigation into the case...

Joseph McCarthy

Joseph Raymond McCarthy (November 14, 1908 – May 2, 1957) was an American politician who served as a Republican U.S. Senator from the state of...

Construire le mur de fer | par Chris Hedges

18-03-2018 Le sénateur du Texas Ted Cruz, ainsi que 18 membres de la Chambre des représentants – 15 députés Républicains et 3 Démocrates – ont...

Building the Iron Wall

By Chris Hedges Mar 18, 2018 Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, along with 18 members of the House of Representatives—15 Republicans and three Democrats—has sent a...

The New Blacklist

Russiagate may have been aimed at Trump to start, but it's become a way of targeting all dissent By Matt Taibbi March 06, 2018 Putin loves...