Wednesday, 26 March , 2025

Marx Karl

Do we need Marxism? Marxism and Stalinism

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos In my previous article on Alexandr Buzgalin and his time, the Perestroika turned Katastroika ( I put the question if Marxism is...

Multipolarity: The need for a positive content

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) I believe the demand for multipolarity is the most fundamental and the most genuinely democratic demand of our times. I am very...

Libération nationale ou lutte des classes

Des penseurs révolutionnaires comme Friedrich Engels ou Rosa Luxemburg se sont interrogés sur les divergences possibles entre les revendications nationalistes et les impératifs de...

La Guerre civile en France

La Guerre civile en France (titre original anglais : The Civil War in France) est un pamphlet écrit par Karl Marx au nom du Conseil...

Hölderlin’s Hyperion (1934) by Georg Lukács

Written: 1934; Translator: Robert Anchor; Source: Goethe and His Age Merlin Press 1968; Transcribed: Harrison Fluss for, February 2008. Oh! were there a banner ... a Thermopylae...

The Roots of American Misery

By James K. Galbraith Sep 18, 2020 Among recent inquiries into the sources of American discontent, one finds many simplistic diagnoses based on dubious cliches, but...

Talking Lenin with Tariq Ali – II

Read part I here by Raza Naeem Mar 21, 2020 Raza Naeem sat down with one of the most influential leftists of our world today to...

#Lenin150: The Man Who Theorized and Practiced Revolution

By Ingar Solty April 22, 2020 You who are building, twenty meters high and on top the trade-union’s palace, Ilyich’s statue, do not forget in his boot...

Tariq Ali on Lenin, Engels, Palestinians and Nasser

Talking Lenin with Tariq Ali – I Raza Naeem sat down with one of the most influential leftists of our world today to discuss politics,...

Capitalism versus Life on Earth

by Ian Angus November 19, 2019 Environmental destruction isn’t driven by human nature or mistaken ideas. It is an inevitable consequence of a system built on...