By Maria Negreponti-Delivanis*
The Greek economy was at a dead end even before the pandemic, which is confirmed by its statistical picture. The pandemic, as...
By Maria Negreponti Delivanis
TRIBUNE 25.04.2021
The economist underlines to the “Monde” that the explosion of the global debt because of the pandemic,re-enforces the claim of...
Maria Negreponti-Delivanis
Over the past five decades the West has been going through a period of decline and is gradually entering uncharted waters. And...
By Maria Negreponi-Delivanis
4 Mar 2019
The world is entering a new international economic order, with clearly different characteristics to the previous one. Apart from the...
Dans une note publiée en janvier, deux économistes du FMI estiment que l'institution s'est trompée dans la prévision de l'impact de la politique d'austérité...
Par Maria Negreponti-Delivanis
ancien recteur de l'université de Macédoine - Thessalonique, Grèce. présidente de la fondation Delivanis
Emmanuel Macron, en tant que visiteur dans notre pays...
By Maria Negreponti-Delivanis*
The situation of the Greek economy and society, six years after the enforcement of the Memoranda appears hopeless. It was clear...