Friday, 7 March , 2025


Les coopératives et les organisations politiques et sociales en Afrique de...

2ème partie  (lire aussi Les coopératives et les organisations politiques et sociales en Afrique de l’Ouest – un exemple pour nous organiser en Europe...

Les coopératives et les organisations politiques et sociales en Afrique de...

Par Monika Karbowska   J’ai mis 6 ans à organiser ce voyage.  Depuis mon séjour au FSM à Dakar 2011, j’ai voulu revenir car j’étais...

According to Emmanuel Macron, the days of popular sovereignty are over

by Thierry Meyssan Delivering a keynote speech before the most senior of French diplomats, President Macron revealed his conception of the world and the way...

Sahra Wagenecht on Gabriel, SPD, AfD, War on Terror

Sahra Wagenknecht: We have been successfully running the Bundestag campaign for more than a year now. The Left is now highr in all surveys than in 2013, despite the strength of the AfD. The climate in the faction has also improved. There is a relationship of trust between Dietmar Bartsch and myself, we work well together. This is the prerequisite for a successful election campaign.

The Mediterranean Sea as a Mass Grave

By: Pablo Jofre Leal / Source: HispanTV / The Dawn News / May 30, 2016 Like a tragic never-ending story, once again, the Mediterranean sea...

Bin Laden’s Legacy

By Scott Stewart May 2 marked the five-year anniversary of the U.S. raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan, that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden....

Jacques Baud : « une course où les terroristes auront toujours...

Les éditions du Rocher ont sorti fin avril un livre particulièrement intéressant dans le contexte actuel de l’expansion de l’islamisme et du terrorisme international...

The Refugee Crisis is a Crisis of Imperialism

by T.J. Petrowski The widely circulated photo of Aylan Kurdi, a three-year-old Syrian boy whose body was found on a beach in Turkey and whose...