Tuesday, 4 March , 2025


France: Macron unveils assault on workers’ rights

Trade unions protested in Paris on August 31 as President Emmanuel Macron unveiled his new attacks on workers’ rights, the Morning Star said the...

France, an Instrument of the Neocons

France: North Korea could nuke US, Europe ‘within months’ Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian calls situation 'extremely serious,' says it could quickly become 'explosive' PARIS —...

Macron, Atni-Zionism and Anti-Semitism

Open Letter to Emmanuel Macron By Shlomo Sand Israeli historian Shlomo Sand responds to Emmanuel Macron's speech in front of Benjamin Netanyahu, in commemoration of the 1942...

Rompre avec la France atlantiste ? – Entretien avec Hadrien Desuin

Published by http://l-arene-nue.blogspot.gr Ancien élève de l'École spéciale militaire de St-Cyr, Hadrien Desuin est géopoliticien. Il collabore avec plusieurs journaux (Conflits, Figarovox) dans lesquels il...

The 2017 French Elections: A Grim Farce | by Samir Amin

Translated from the French by James Membrez —Eds Multiparty electoral democracy, jewel of democratic modernity in Europe and the United States, is corrupt and in...

Macron leads the effort of the Western neocolonialists to make a...

Source: the unbalanced evolution of homo sapiens / The Dawn News Here what’s one of the primary priorities of the new golden boy of the neoliberal...

L’échec d’une politique, par Jacques Sapir

Alors que le G-20 de Hambourg se termine, et après les deux discours d’Emmanuel Macron et d’Edouard Philippe, le premier au Congrès et le...

Macron: Israel First, France Second

Macron denounces anti-Zionism as a new form of anti-Semitism Unprecedented statement from a French leader comes as he hosts Netanyahu at Paris event marking 75...

Le parti de Macron en passe de devenir… le moins démocratique...

Par Étienne Girard Published in www.marianne.net S'ils assurent que le parti d'Emmanuel Macron "appartient à ses adhérents", les futurs statuts ne prévoient aucune élection interne. Toutes les...

Excerpt from Yanis Varoufakis’ “Adults in the Room”, p.188

At the entrance I was met by an effusive Michel Sapin. A jovial man in his early sixties, Sapin was the only finance minister...