"Gilets jaunes": "Il n'y a pas de véritable hausse des salaires, dénonce Fabien Roussel sur RTL
Dec. 25, 2018
Le secrétaire national du Parti communiste français...
The media in the United States have treated the British vote against remaining in the European Union (EU) as if it is populist “Trumpism,” an inarticulate right-wing vote out of ignorance at being left behind by the neoliberal economic growth policy. The fact that Donald Trump happened to be in Scotland
No one believed in this victory. Even most of those who led the campaign for Britain's withdrawal from the European Union did not expect that on the morning of June 24, 2016 it would be announced that the majority voted in favor of a break with the Brussels bureaucracy
“SOFIA” CLUB (All-European Initiative)
Never, from the moment of its creation, has the European Union experienced a deeper crisis than today. The European Union, which...
by John Weeks
The 1992 Treaty of Maastricht that lay the basis for the euro committed signing governments to several economic targets. Subsequent treaties and...