Sunday, 22 December , 2024


Palestine : Appel commun des partis communistes et ouvriers, à l’initiative...

2 août 2018 Le Parti du peuple palestinien a appelé les partis communistes et ouvriers le souhaitant à signer la déclaration commune traduite ci-dessous. Dans...

Palestinian People’s Party, Appeal for Joint Statement

7/29/18 The Communist and Worker Parties decisively condemn the crimes committed by Israeli army against Palestinian people in the occupied territories, especially in the Gaza...

German Party Lambasts Strikes on Syria: ‘Weapons Don’t Make Peace’ (VIDEO)

19.04.2018 Nearly a week ago, the United States, France and the United Kingdom launched a coordinated missile strike on Syria in response to the alleged...

MEPs protest Syria strikes during Macron’s call for EU unity

17 Apr, 2018 A group of MEPs held placards reading “Hands off Syria!” during Emmanuel Macron’s address before the European parliament on Tuesday, overshadowing the...

Easter march for peace

by Victor Grossman Apr 05, 2018 Photo by Uwe Hiksch Despite the noontime rain it was a good crowd. Frankly, not a very large crowd taking part...

German politicians question US-led campaign against Russia

By Johannes Stern 29 March 2018 While London and Washington continue to further incite tensions with Russia over the Skripal case, criticism is mounting...

Regarding the resolution of the Parti de Gauche to submit a...

01 February 2018 Regarding the resolution of the Parti de Gauche to submit a motion on the expulsion of SYRIZA from the EL, the President...

La Russie «pas une ennemie»: ovationné à Berlin, Mélenchon combat l’idée...

16 janv. 2018 Convié par Die Linke à Berlin, Jean-Luc Mélenchon s'est fermement opposé au projet d'une Europe de la défense, qui aurait selon lui...

Melenchon demands Syriza be kicked out of European Left

By Ben Chacko Friday, February 2, 2018 A ROW has broken out in the Party of the European Left after Jean-Luc Melenchon’s Left Party in France...

Le parti de Jean-Luc Mélenchon demande l’exclusion de Syriza du Parti...

31 janv. 2018 Estimant que les reniements de Syriza, le parti du Premier ministre grec Alexis Tsipras dont il était jadis proche, sont trop nombreux,...