Wednesday, 12 March , 2025


The Deadly Consequences of Neoliberalism: The Covid-19 Pandemic in Germany

May 16, 2020 Unlike the endless praises in the liberal and social democratic press in North America, the Covid-19 pandemic is relentlessly uncovering the weaknesses...

Corona-crisis: the West, Germany and the European left

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos April 25, 2020 Humanity is facing one of the most serious and complex crises in its history. It is not only a health...

#Lenin150: The Man Who Theorized and Practiced Revolution

By Ingar Solty April 22, 2020 You who are building, twenty meters high and on top the trade-union’s palace, Ilyich’s statue, do not forget in his boot...

Linke: Federal Government must end blockade of corona bonds

Before the start of the Eurogroup meeting this afternoon, Jörg Schindler, Federal Executive Director of the party DIE LINKE and Martin Schirdewan, Co-Chairman of...

The new PSOE/UP government in Spain (and left in Portugal and...

by Klaus Dräger Since 7 January 2020, there is a new government in place in Spain. PSOE's Pedro Sanchez is again Prime Minister. He is...

From the Greek revolt to the Battle of England: hopes and...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos In a previous article we discussed some of the most critical geopolitical consequences of the outcome of the 12 December British election. In this paper...

Radical Left and Far-Right “anti-establishment” forces gain majority of votes in...

October 27, 2019 The east German state of Thuringia found itself facing a political stalemate on Sunday after elections failed to produce a majority for any...

The revenge of the elites

Italy's new coalition government has sacrificed the populist revolt at the altar of the EU By Thomas Fazi 4th October 2019 Italy’s proverbially surreal politics reached new...

Allemagne de l’Est : l’enracinement de l’extrême droite, parti pour durer

Par Coralie Delaume 02/09/2019 Trente ans après la chute du mur de Berlin, l'extrême droite poursuit son enracinement dans l'Est de l'Allemagne. Ce dimanche 1er septembre, à...

German Bundestag Report Blasts US Threats to Venezuela as ‘Breach of...

12.02.2019 The German government officially recognised opposition leader Juan Guaido as Venezuela's interim president last week after the expiration of an eight day deadline demanding...