Wednesday, 12 March , 2025


Germany’s New Government Is in Thrall to Neoliberal Hawks

By Ines Schwerdtner Dec.8,2021 Today, the Social Democrat Olaf Scholz became leader of Germany’s new government. But with fiscal hawk Christian Lindner in charge of the...

Les élections en Allemagne et la crise du Parti de Gauche...

Par Peter Wahl Les élections de 2021 marquent un profond tournant, non seulement parce que l'ère Merkel de 16 ans touche à sa fin, mais...

The election defeat of Die Linke

By Herman Michiel (*) 20 October 2021 In the Bundestag elections of 26 September, Germany’s left party Die Linke achieved a dire result. Some 2.3 million...

Wolfgang Streeck – Zero for the left, no support for Paris,...

The Left Party’s (Die Linke)s dismal results in the German elections eliminate any chance of a red-green-red (R2G) coalition government, much to the relief...

Things Can’t Go on Like This for the German Left

After a catastrophic defeat in last Sunday’s general election, Germany’s socialist party Die Linke faces a choice: return to its working-class roots or face...

Impatience chez Die Linke … pour gouverner,

Par Herman Michiel 2 Avril 2021, Ander Europe En Allemagne, il y a pas mal de nervosité autour des élections à venir au Bundestag le 26...

The Elephant in the Room

Left Parties and the European Union by Asbjørn Wahl Dec 01, 2020 European left parties have, over the last couple of decades, become increasingly critical of political...

To swim with the tide in order to change it?

by Herman Michiel (*) 21 August 2020 I recently questioned the adoption by the left-members of the European Parliament (MEPs), belonging to the Confederal Group of...

European radical left makes itself superfluous

By Herman Michiel (*) Aug. 3, 2020 On 23 July, the vast majority of the Left Group (GUE/NGL) in the European Parliament approved, together with the...

Retirer toutes les troupes états-uniennes d’Europe

01.08.2020 « DIE LINKE se félicite du retrait d’environ 12 000 soldats des États-Unis d’Allemagne et du transfert du centre de commandement états-unien EUCOM de...