Don’t Believe the Start the War Coalition – Ask Libyans About...
There is a growing demand from government politicians for a no-fly zone in Syria. Those calling for it, led by Conservative MP Andrew Mitchell, and echoed by Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, are either culpably naive or more likely unconcerned about taking Britain into direct conflict not just with the Syrian military but with the Russians too.
After Iraq, British parliamentarians discover Libya – how Cameron and Sarkozy...
The inquiry, which took evidence from key figures including Lord Hague, Dr Liam Fox, former Prime Minister Tony Blair, military chiefs and academics, concludes that decisions were not based on accurate intelligence. In particular, the Government failed to identify that the threat to civilians was overstated and that the rebels included a significant Islamist element.
Economy of Peace with an Alternative Monetary System is in Reach
By Peter Koenig Globalisation is the demise of humanity. That being said, if we want peace, solidarity, harmonious cohabitation, justice and equality – we have to defeat globalisation. And to be able to defeat it, countries who strive to take back autonomy and sovereignty may want to move away from the oppressive fist of the west.
Leila Khaled on ISIS and Islamism, Syria and the Palestinians
A terrorist for the Israelis, Khaled was a symbol throughout the world for the Palestinian armed struggle, following her participation in one of the four simultaneous hijackings of September 1970, inspiring songs, films and works of art internationally. These hijackings were part of the Palestinian “response” to the ignominious defeat they suffered with the
America’s True Role in Syria
By Jeffrey Sachs, Syria’s civil war is the most dangerous and destructive crisis on the planet. Since early 2011, hundreds of thousands have died; around ten million Syrians have been displaced; Europe has been convulsed with Islamic State (ISIS) terror and the political fallout of refugees; and the United States and its NATO allies have more than once come perilously
What the media misses in the Syrian bloodbath: a ‘thank you’...
Wikileaks has released what may be the most under-reported story of the year in a yearfull of them, Hillary Clinton's uncanny fulfillment of Oded Yinon's plan for the Middle East according to Israel 30 years ago. This was summed up in Yinon's "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties." Yinon, an influential right-wing Israeli strategist, envisioned a
The debate about Trump and foreign policy in the USA
By John Feffer
Donald Trump may be a bigot and a bully, but it’s hard not to applaud when he pisses off the stuff shirts at...
Fantastic progress of democracy: The New York Times barely notice the...
The Obama administration announced on Monday the beginning of US air strikes in Libya against ISIS targets, marking the fourth country the United States is currently bombing with the goal of “degrading and destroying” the terror group. A campaign that began two years ago this Sunday has now, 50,000 bombs and 25,000 dead ISIS fighters later, expanded to a whole new continent.
Libya: The US is now bombing a state it has already...
The US has launched a sustained bombing campaign around Sirte in Libya in a new escalation of the War on Terror. US officials are reported to be briefing that they plan to take a greater role in Libya as part of a long-term campaign against Islamic State.
Remembering the War in Iraq
By Neil Mackay
15 September 2002: A SECRET blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush and his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq...