Saturday, 11 January , 2025


Les libyens accusent la France et le Qatar d’avoir directement ordonné...

17 août 2017 Pour la première fois depuis la chute du régime de Mouammar Gaddafi, la Commission libyenne des droits humains a explicitement accusé la...


By James H. Fetzer Wednesday, January 20, 2016 For those who may have missed the memo, 9/11 was brought to us by the CIA, the Neo-Cons...

The Responsibility to Protect the World… from the United States

by Ajamu Baraka One of the most ingenious propaganda weapons ever developed is that the powerful nations of the West—led by the United States—have a...

« Amalgame entre antisionisme et antisémitisme, la faute grave de Macron...

Par Dominique Vidal Journaliste et historien, auteur de nombreux ouvrages consacrés au Proche-Orient, Dominique Vidal s’élève, contre les accusations d’antisémitisme qui frappent tous les critiques...

What a World: ΕU is funding Slave Trade

Europe’s Aid to Africa Is Funding a Slave Trade Europe has outsourced the dirty work of border control to Libyan militias. In doing so, it has...

Debate on Europe

By Ernesto Screpanti* Since the end of World War II, tribal rivalries and xenophobic sentiment in Europe have never been as strong as they...

US Empire Is Running The Same Script With Iran That It...

By Caitlin Johnstone Two weeks ago a memo was leaked from inside the Trump administration showing how Secretary of State and DC neophyte Rex Tillerson...

Libye. Les gouvernements européens se rendent complices des violations des droits...

Les gouvernements européens se rendent sciemment complices des violences et des tortures infligées à des dizaines de milliers de réfugiés et de migrants détenus...

The US media and the Kennedy assassination documents: “Move along, nothing...

By Bill Van Auken 30 October 2017 The Trump administration’s partial release of previously classified documents related to the November 22, 1963 assassination of...

Obama vs. Netanyahu: Ηow the US President stopped the war with...

The Obama Doctrine The U.S. president talks through his hardest decisions about America’s role in the world. By Jeffrey Goldberg April 2016 Friday, August 30, 2013, the day...