Tuesday, 4 March , 2025


France: Top left-wing MP Mathilde Panot investigated for pro-Palestine comments

France Unbowed leader says her summoning by police is a first in modern history of the country Apr. 24, 2024 French police summoned the leading left-wing...

Mélenchon: “Netanyahu nous mène à la guerre totale”

Apr. 13, 2024 Heures étranges et terribles que celles-ci. Comptant sur la riposte iranienne, Netanyahu engage la guerre pour démembrer le Liban et préparer l’attaque contre l’Iran....

French lawmaker stands by ‘Gaza genocide’ remarks

Apr. 3, 2024 French lawmaker, Manuel Bompard, of the France Unbowed Party said yesterday that he stands by his statement that Israel is committing “genocide...

French Socialist Party: Under the control of the powerful Israeli –...

French Socialists time-out from left-wing alliance over Hamas stance By Davide Basso Oct 11, 2023 France’s Socialist Party said it would take a temporary break from the...

Western governments clamp down on Palestine solidarity: organise and fight back!

By Joe Attard 13 October 2023 Following Hamas’ surprise attack on 7 October, a bloody retribution has been unleashed by the Israeli state. In the...

French left in turmoil after Mélenchon’s party reacts to Hamas attacks

By Davide Basso Oct 9, 2023 France’s radical left party La France insoumise has been condemned over its wording related to Hamas’ attacks on Israel last...

Nous soutenons le peuple palestinien

Appel à rassemblement du Collectif pour une paix juste et durable entre Palestiniens et Israéliens, soutenu par la LDH, le samedi 22 mai 2021,...

France: une gauche à la croisée des chemins

Par Bruno Drweski Depuis 1983, l’ensemble de la gauche française, extrême gauche comprise souvent, a eu tendance à accepter, en théorie ou au moins en...