Saturday, 22 February , 2025

Lenin Vladimir

The Ukraine: The USA is responsible for the escalation and must...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Back in 1992, when I was a correspondent in Moscow, the French review Sous le Drapeau du Socialisme asked me for an...

Decree on Land

The Decree on Land, written by Vladimir Lenin, was passed by the Second Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers', and Peasants' Deputies on 26...

Film review: 1921 – A vivid panorama of revolution

Review written by Friends of Socialist China co-editor Keith Bennett The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China has been the...

Lenin on the Paris Commune

The Militant, 19 March 1932 Lenin on the Paris Commune (April 1911) From The Militant, Vol. V No. 12 (Whole No. 108), 19 March 1932, p. 1. Originally published...

Cold Truth: The Texas Freeze is a Catastrophe of the Free...

Feb 18, 2021 Texas’s electricity market “reforms” made the current crisis inevitable Lenin, who was a better economist than Rick Perry, once defined communism as “soviet...

On Mandel and ‚Capitalist Breakdown‘ – some remarks

By Klaus Dräger  George Kerevan pays tribute to the great Marxist thinker Ernest Mandel, who died some 25 years ago in 1995 – and rightly...

Lenin statue to be unveiled in Germany despite legal fight

Gelsenkirchen bucks global trends with new monument as other cities confront relics of colonial past 20 Jun 2020 photo: Rolf G. Wackenberg -   While a global...

Du bon usage des archives

(Jean-Jacques Marie) Comment les archives révèlent ce qu’on leur demande « Archives secrètes de Moscou », « Révélations », « La vérité dévoilée par les archives », on n’en finirait pas d’énumérer...

Talking Lenin with Tariq Ali – II

Read part I here by Raza Naeem Mar 21, 2020 Raza Naeem sat down with one of the most influential leftists of our world today to...

#Lenin150: The Man Who Theorized and Practiced Revolution

By Ingar Solty April 22, 2020 You who are building, twenty meters high and on top the trade-union’s palace, Ilyich’s statue, do not forget in his boot...