Review written by Friends of Socialist China co-editor Keith Bennett
The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China has been the...
The Militant, 19 March 1932
Lenin on the Paris Commune
(April 1911)
From The Militant, Vol. V No. 12 (Whole No. 108), 19 March 1932, p. 1.
Originally published...
Feb 18, 2021
Texas’s electricity market “reforms” made the current crisis inevitable
Lenin, who was a better economist than Rick Perry, once defined communism as “soviet...
Gelsenkirchen bucks global trends with new monument as other cities confront relics of colonial past
20 Jun 2020
photo: Rolf G. Wackenberg -
While a global...
(Jean-Jacques Marie)
Comment les archives révèlent ce qu’on leur demande
« Archives secrètes de Moscou », « Révélations », « La vérité dévoilée par les archives », on n’en finirait pas d’énumérer...
By Ingar Solty
April 22, 2020
You who are building, twenty meters high and on top the trade-union’s
palace, Ilyich’s statue, do not forget in his boot...