Saturday, 1 March , 2025


SILENCE OF THE LEFT regarding Euro-Austerity and T-TIP, by Michael Hudson

The media in the United States have treated the British vote against remaining in the European Union (EU) as if it is populist “Trumpism,” an inarticulate right-wing vote out of ignorance at being left behind by the neoliberal economic growth policy. The fact that Donald Trump happened to be in Scotland

The Spanish election outcome: Brussels will be happy

It would sound strange for a normal democratic country that a party with a long history of major corruption scandals, a party which had implemented an austerity policy that condemns to poverty and precarity millions of citizens, which had enacted laws that seriously erode civil rights, whose government uses police to spy on the opposition parties and fabricate false evidence against them, could win an election. But this seems to be the rule in Spain.

Brexit and the Crisis on the British Left

By Neil Faulkner Taking a position on the EU Referendum was not easy. The in/out choice was essentially an argument inside the political and corporate...

Brexit vote sends shockwaves across European Establishment

The referendum result was a crushing vote of no confidence in the Establishment. It caused shock waves in the markets which last night were confident of the victory of a vote to remain. The Leave side won by a margin of 52 % to 48%: more than 1.2 million votes more than Remain, with the English shires and Wales voting strongly in favour of Brexit. But Scotland voted massively against. Voter turnout was very high: in Scotland 67%, in Wales 72% and in England 73%.

Corbyn remains, but not unconditionally

Jeremy Corbyn’s Sky News special on the EU was very different to the bantering of last big television outing, on the late night Last Leg show. Then, the atmosphere was loud with the audience apparently fuelled by a few drinks. Tonight the only hard stuff on offer was policy.

Immigrants, Brexit and Corbyn

Ever since members of the Transport and General Workers Union marched in support of Enoch Powell’s racist attack on BME British citizens in 1968, the question of immigration has been difficult to the point of toxicity for Labour.

The Left Remain Case

The campaign is reshaping the British political landscape and the referendum – whatever the outcome - will mark a turning point in the politics of this country. This is a crucial moment because a Brexit victory would inflict a serious defeat on working people, compounding the political and economic setbacks experienced since Thatcherism and isolating us from the working class across Europe

I’ll be voting Leave: a “reformed EU” isn’t on the ballot...

There seem to be two clear camps on the Brexit question: those who loathe the EU, and those who don’t know much about it. Even its highest profile supporters feel the need to list its profound shortcomings as part of their rallying cry to Remain

Appeal of the British Left Unity to the European Left

As the British referendum campaign on EU membership enters its final days, the tension and anger is palpable. Traditional fault lines in politics are...

Bernie Sanders, Labor, Ideology and the Future of American Politics

by Bob Master Legislative and Political Director for CWA District One of the Communications Workers of America and a co-chair of the New York State Working...