Saturday, 1 March , 2025


UN Expert Warns EU, Canada Against Signing CETA Deal Without Referendums

"The corporate-driven agenda gravely endangers labour, health and other social legislation, and there is no justification to fast-track it … Civil society should demand referendums on the approval of CETA or any other such mega-treaty that has been negotiated behind closed doors," Alfred de Zayas, the UN Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and

Germany as crisis-exporter, Wallonia and EU

Late on Friday, Canada’s trade minister – the former FT journalist Chrystia Freeland – declared that the trade agreement with the EU (the so-called Ceta) had failed. She’d been commuting between Brussels and Namur, the seat of Wallonia’s regional parliament, for a few days, trying to get the region’s left-wing government to support the trade deal. But her efforts, and those by others, were in vain. Wallonia didn’t budge. All the EU leaders that were in Brussels to seal the deal ahead of Justin Trudeau’s visit on Thursday, had to return back home empty-handed.


Jeremy Corbyn’s victory has unleashed a new dynamic in Britain’s Labour Party but, as pointed out in Defend Democracy Press’s lead article of 24th September, “the idea that the right wing are going to roll over and accept this leftward shift is fantasy.” The split is not just one between “right” and “left”. It is a split between the Labour Party in

Why Germans vote AfD


Complete the Corbyn revolution!

Without the purge and dirty tricks campaign waged by Labour HQ against Corbyn supporters, his margin of victory would be even bigger. He has faced an absolute barrage from the right wing and their media. They have thrown everything against him, bar the kitchen sink. First of all, our right-wing “democrats” tried to keep him off the ballot paper, but failed. Then they

Corbyn’s election – a historic triumph

“The media and many of us, simply didn’t understand the views of young people in our country. They were turned off by the way politics was being conducted. We have to and must change that. The fightback gathers speed and gathers pace,” he said

A Long Way to Go by Jeremy Corbyn

In November 2015, Socialist Register co-editor Leo Panitch and Red Pepper’s Hilary Wainwright spoke with Corbyn on a train to London from Birmingham where he had been meeting with union shop stewards. They discussed what the leader has accomplished so far and the challenges ahead.

Labour’s Witch Hunt

A specter is haunting the British Labour Party — the specter of Trotskyism. All the powers of the old party leadership have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this specter: deputy leaders and general secretaries, Blairites and Brownites, the soft left and the hard right.

Jean-Luc Mélen­chon : Son régime, Sa famille, Macron…il dit tout

Par Candice Nedelec Alimen­ta­tion équi­li­brée, sommeil régu­lé… Jean-Luc Mélen­chon est déjà tendu vers l’élec­tion prési­den­tielle. Il nous livre les secrets de sa prépa­ra­tion à ce nouveau...

Left debates post-Brexit

There are many aspects of life in Britain that those who voted leave hope will improve with Brexit. On holiday in Suffolk this summer (where 60% voted leave) my wife Kate and I were surprised to be told by the skipper on a coastal boat trip that Brussels was responsible for problems facing the Avocet population on Orford Ness: in a fit of ecological correctness gone