Friday, 18 October , 2024


‘Leftist’ Alchemies and Direct Democracy (A necessary clarification)

As the saying goes, “Before it pours, it rains”. And it is true that the cause of all evil that happens in the socio-political level is the morbidity of someone, or some brains that fantasize that they are messiahs destined to ‘save society' from other bad messiahs who also use a thousand lies to deceive and exploit. So every new party of young rescuers build,

Saving The EU From The Euro

The Ventotene summit among Prime Minister Renzi, Chancellor Merkel and President Hollande took place recently. Crucial issues were on the agenda: the geo-political conflicts at the borders of the European Union; internal security; migratory flows; economic growth. A strong wind of rhetoric about relaunching the ideals of the founding fathers of a united Europe

The Contemporary Crisis of the American Ideology

The ideas that justified the American economic and political system in the minds of most of our citizens throughout that long period came under stress during earlier storms—from the 1950s to the 1970s in particular—and a few beams and joists cracked but did not give way. Today the manifold crises of capitalism mean that the entire existing intellectual structure of American capitalism is breaking up.

Jeremy Corbyn Interview: On Owen Smith, Trident, Brexit, The Housing Crisis...

Two and a half hours before his rally had even started, the queue to see Jeremy Corbyn had already begun. The line of supporters snaked around Swansea’s LC2 leisure complex, a mix of young and old, parents and teenagers.

Jeremy Corbyn: A revolution in plain sight

In their thousands they came. Carrying home-made placards, they came. Women pushing prams, their kids in tow, the young, middle-aged and old, black, white, disabled, the old left and the newly awoken; in the pouring rain they came. They filled St George’s Plateau and still they came, until they filled the road and the central reservation and the pavements beyond. 10,000 strong they closed Lime St, stopped traffic, and still they came.

Paralysis of the Will – By Boris Kagarlitsky

The Convention of the US Democratic Party in Philadelphia ended with a big schism. And this schism divides not only the supporters of Hillary Clinton and her opponents but also Bernie Sanders and the movement that he led and symbolized until just a few days ago.

Corbyn in Manchester: ‘Politics is changing

Between 1,700 and 1,800 people packed into Salford’s Lowry theatre after the event was announced earlier this week. It dwarfed the much smaller campaign meeting that Corbyn’s rival Owen Smith held in Manchester’s Friend’s House yesterday. The size of the rally reflected the huge support Corbyn has among Labour members and supporters. Corbyn said mobilising that support was the key to winning Labour’s leadership election—and winning change.

New attacks against Corbyn (now from Israel!)

UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn seemed to draw a comparison between Israel and the Islamic State terror group on Thursday, in remarks he made during an event marking the release of a report on anti-Semitism within his party.

SILENCE OF THE LEFT regarding Euro-Austerity and T-TIP, by Michael Hudson

The media in the United States have treated the British vote against remaining in the European Union (EU) as if it is populist “Trumpism,” an inarticulate right-wing vote out of ignorance at being left behind by the neoliberal economic growth policy. The fact that Donald Trump happened to be in Scotland

The Spanish election outcome: Brussels will be happy

It would sound strange for a normal democratic country that a party with a long history of major corruption scandals, a party which had implemented an austerity policy that condemns to poverty and precarity millions of citizens, which had enacted laws that seriously erode civil rights, whose government uses police to spy on the opposition parties and fabricate false evidence against them, could win an election. But this seems to be the rule in Spain.