Saturday, 1 March , 2025


Socialists and Communists try to impose Macronism on the Popular Front

Back to the drawing board: French left bloc's compromise PM pick drops out Hopes for an end to heated political wrangling as France tries to...

Mélenchon: Macron Is Wrong. France’s Election Had a Winner.

Emmanuel Macron claims that “nobody” won the French election. In an op-ed, Jean-Luc Mélenchon insists that the Left came first — and has the...

Vers un coup d’état légal ? Point d’étape

Il est désormais évident pour tout le monde que Macron voulait gouverner avec le RN. Il a dissout l’Assemblée au moment où l’extrême droite...

French left propose Huguette Bello as compromise PM pick, but Socialists...

As France's left-wing alliance scrambles to agree on a candidate for prime minister after taking the most parliamentary seats in the July 7 snap...

Le Moment Politique – Analyse de Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Jean-Luc Mélenchon est intervenu sur le moment politique le 12 juillet 2024. We remind our readers that publication of articles on our site does not...

« Les orientations économiques du Nouveau Front populaire répondent aux défis...

Jun 12, 2024 Environ 300 économistes, dont certains très réputés, signent ce texte en soutien du programme économique du NFP, le seul selon eux à proposer...

French trade union boss hints at protests during Olympics if left...

Emmanuel Macron is in denial about the result of France’s snap election, leader of the CGT union says By Rachel Hagan Jul 11, 2024 A top trade...

German Parliamentarian in Washington Says No to NATO – Yes to...

Peace Instead of NATO Speech by Sevim Dagdelen, Member of the German Bundestag at „No to NATO – Yes to Peace“-rally in Washington DC on July...

Macron va-t-il réussir à diviser le NFP ? On a posé...

Jul 9, 2024 Cela fait 48h qu'a eu lieu le second tour des élections législatives en France. Le Nouveau Front Populaire est arrivé en tête...

Costas Lapavitsas – Retreat of the extreme centre, rise of the...

Jul 9, 2024 In Europe the extreme centre is fading. While the far right is gaining momentum the left has finally dashed out of the...