Wednesday, 15 January , 2025

Latin America

Venezuela’s National Assembly elections: an important victory for Chavismo

FRANCISCO DOMINGUEZ assesses the results of the vote Dec 15, 2020 VENEZUELA’S free and fair elections to the National Assembly, held on December 6 2020, produced...

Biden Seeks Negotiated Solution in Venezuela to End Crisis

By Ben Bartenstein and Alex Vasquez Dec. 18, 2020 (Bloomberg) -- President-elect Joe Biden’s advisers are preparing for potential negotiations with Nicolas Maduro’s regime in Venezuela...

Juan Guaidó, Trump and the European Union

Dec. 11, 2020 Francisco Dominguez1 writes: Before the 23 of January 2019, Juan Guaidó was an unknown entity. He acquired notoriety due to a series of...

Angela Davis sur la solidarité internationale et l’avenir du radicalisme noir

Au sujet de la sortie du livre : De Revolutionary Feminisms - Conversations on Collective Action and Radical Thought, Ed.Verso Books. Verso :Comme vous l’avez écrit dans votre...

From Mexico To Africa: Israel’s Dark History Of Training Gangs and...

In 1989 for example, Israel was accused of training paramilitary forces belonging to Colombia’s deadly Medellin drug cartel, a group responsible for the deaths...

PBS and other U.S. media are spreading disinformation about Nicaragua

By Nan McCurdy October 30, 2020 In 36 years of living in Latin America I have learned that any time a country changes its conditions so...


El análisis de James Petras en CX36, 7 de diciembre de 2020-12-07 California, el Estado más poblado de EE.UU. entra en toque de queda por...

Argentine president says he’ll get Russia vaccine to dispel fears

10/12/2020 President Alberto Fernandez said Thursday he would be the first person in Argentina to be injected with Russia's Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine in order...

Amazon’s Freshwater Dolphins Are in Danger of Extinction

Environmental defenders requested that the authorities enforce the prohibition of killing dolphins. 10 December 2020 Photo: Twitter/ @whalesorg The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) added the...

Slavoj Zizek: We should look to how Cuba coped with the...

By Slavoj Zizek Oct. 23, 2020 It’s time to be brave enough to acknowledge that we are in a hopeless situation, and Covid has changed the...