Sunday, 12 January , 2025

Latin America

Climate change, planning and the lessons we can learn from Cuba

CAMPAIGNERS and unions are right to call for an affordable, universal and comprehensive transport system as the only way to cut carbon emissions from...

“Neoliberalism failed – we’ll return to state planning”

By Yunus Soner* Nov. 9, 2021 The former President is very busy. He is at the same time on the phone, is directing his assistant and...

The Dirty Truth About Clean Technologies

The poor South is being exploited so that the rich North can transition to environmental sustainability. Entire swaths of land are being destroyed to...

Cómo Trump y Miller prepararon un golpe militar en EEUU

Por Dimistris Konstantakopoulos* Oct.31,2021 - El objetivo último era y aún es poner ese radicalismo al servicio de las fuerzas más extremistas del propio establishment que...

Newly released documents expose how US intelligence meddled in Venezuelan elections...

By Kit Klarenberg 1 Nov, 2021 America’s interference in the electoral process in Venezuela is laid bare in a series of files that reveal how Washington provided...

How Trump and Miller prepared a military takeover in the US

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Oct. 29, 2021 Donald Trump and his adviser Stephen Miller were preparing a “legal” military coup in the spring of 2020. Miller was...

Third Cuban Vaccine, Soberana Plus, Approved for Emergency Use

24 September 2021 On Thursday, September 23, the Center for State Control of Medicines, Equipment and Medical Devices (CECMED) approved the Authorization for Emergency Use...

Bolivarian Delegation Halts Political Dialogue in Mexico

The decision comes following the extradition of diplomat and member of the delegation Alex Saab to the U.S by Cape Verde authorities on Saturday. Oct....

Le chant de la résistance autochtone en Amérique latine

By José Fajardo 9 July 2021 En Amérique latine, une nouvelle génération de musiciens renoue avec ses racines et se réapproprie par ses chansons une culture...

Barbaric experiments with “COVID-19 drug kit” killed hundreds in Brazil

By Eduardo Parati 23 September 2021   Last Saturday, a G1 report was published showing that the private health insurance provider, Prevent Senior, was involved in a...