Latin America
“Democratic Socialist” carries away landslide victory in Honduras
By Yunus Soner
Nov.30, 2021
Xiomara Castro de Zelaya, candidate of the Free Party (Partido de Libertad y Refundacion – LIBRE) for the presidential elections of...
U.S. Court Issues Landmark Ruling on Paramilitary Violence in Colombia
In a civil lawsuit, the court found that the paramilitaries operated in a “symbiotic relationship” with U.S.-funded Colombian forces.
By Alice Speri
November 24 2021
Carlos Mario Jiménez...
Argentina’s far right and far left make big gains in congressional...
Ruling Peronist party lost majority as Javier Milei turned notoriety into votes and a Trotskyist party gothird largest vote share
By Uki Goñi
15 Nov 2021
Rise of the Far Right in Chile
Far-right populist, ex-protest leader set for runoff vote in Chile’s presidential election
Republican party’s José Antonio Kast set to win first round with 28% of...
Au Chili, le candidat d’extrême droite arrive en tête du premier...
Courrier international (Paris)
Un second tour de scrutin polarisé se dessine au Chili : le candidat d’extrême droite, Jose Antonio Kast, a devancé dimanche 21 novembre l’élu...
Venezuela: Chavismo Wins Governorships in 20 of 23 States
"It is a victory for the humble people, the noble people of Venezuela, who have endured a brutal war," President Nicolas Maduro stressed.
21 November...
The Facebook Team that Tried to Swing Nicaragua’s Election is Full...
A tacit agreement between the government and Facebook appears to have been made: you can keep the profits, but we control the message. As...
Defying Empire: Cuba’s Contributions to the Fight Against Racism and White...
By Franklin Frederick
The white capitalist cannibal has always fed on the world's black peoples. White capitalist imperialist society is profoundly and unmistakably racist.
Walter Rodney
Defeating the pandemic, Cuba opens to tourism – US tries to...
By Yunus Soner
Nov.13, 2021
While globally the COVID pandemic continues and only few countries have developed vaccination and the majority of the humanity is depending...
AMLO Proposes to UN Security Council “World Fraternity Plan”
From the Security Council of the United Nations (UN), President Andrés Manuel López Obrador proposed the creation of a "world plan of fraternity and...