Latin America
Putin Approved Protocols To Defer Cuban Debt Payment
The International Affairs Committee of the Federation Council noted that cooperation between Cuba and Russia is of special importance for the country.
Jun 11, 2022
Brazil’s True Believers: Bolsonaro and the Risks of an Election Year
Jair Boonaro, Brazil’s president, risks losing his October bid for re-election. If he disputes the result, his shrinking but increasingly far-right support base might...
‘Incredible News’: Global Applause as Leftist Gustavo Petro Wins Colombian Presidency
Brazilian presidential frontrunner Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said Petro's victory "strengthens democracy and progressive forces in Latin America."
By Jake Johnson
June 20, 2022
A Factory without Bosses: Voices from Indorca
Indorca workers are the stuff of legend in Venezuela, but their experience teaches us that democratic self-management is a real possibility.
By Cira Pascual Marquina...
Venezuela and Iran Sign Cooperation Agreements
Venezuelan resident Nicolás Maduro ratified that as of July 18, a direct flight between Caracas and Teheran will be opened.
Jun 11, 2022
Venezuela signed cooperation...
US govt’s Summit of the Americas fails: Boycott by presidents of...
As the US government’s Summit of the Americas opens in Los Angeles, California, the presidents of Mexico, Bolivia, Honduras, and Guatemala have refused to...
Mayans call for International Action to Halt Violations of their Cultural,...
May 19, 2022
The Mayan Council Chilam B'alam of the K'iches, the Mayan Council Komon Ajq'ijab', the National Coordinator of the Territories of Life Network...
En Colombie, «c’est maintenant ou jamais»
26 mai 2022
Maurice Lemoine
Juste quelques vibrations d’air surchauffé, pas le moindre souffle de vent. L’ATR 72-600 d’Avianca vient d’atterrir. Le taxi s’éloigne de l’aéroport....
Colombian authorities deport outstanding communicator Teri Mattson, preventing her from observing...
By COHA’s Editorial Team
Washington DC
May 23, 2022
The Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA) denounces the detention and deportation of COHA Board Member and CODEPINK Latin...
Comment Trump proposa à Guaido une attaque militaire contre le Venezuela
Dans ses mémoires récemment publiées, l’ex-Secrétaire à la Défense (républicain), le lieutenant colonel Mark Esper (à gauche sur la photo) révèle les détails sur...