Sunday, 9 March , 2025

Latin America

The Brazilian Coup and Washington’s “Rollback” in Latin America

By Mark Weisbrot It is clear that the executive branch of the U.S. government favors the coup underway in Brazil, even though they have been...

Why I Am a Communist!

By ANDRE VLTCHEK There are several essential messages literally shouting from the screen, whenever one watches ‘The Last Supper’ (La Ultima Cena), a brilliant 1976...

Brazil: Coup or Fiasco? by Immanuel Wallerstein

The President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, has been suspended from her office while she goes on trial by the Senate. If convicted, she would...

The Challenges of the Left in the current juncture. Debates between...

Source: Resumen Latinoamericano / The Dawn News / May 17, 2016. Last April 15 in the IMPA(1) headquarters and with a large turnout, an open...

Colombia: National, Agrarian, Peasant, Ethnic and Popular Minga

Source: Resumen Latinoamericano / The Dawn News / May 20, 2016 We call the Colombian people and the international community to take part in the...

Coup in Brazil: Made in the USA

Obama Administration Invokes OAS Charter to Promote Overthrow of Maduro Government in Venezuela By ALAN BENJAMIN   Speaking at the May 18 meeting of the Permanent Council...

Puerto Rico: A Solution without Washington

By: Carlos Gallisá / Source: Claridad / The Dawn News / May 11, 2016 Puerto Rico’s fiscal problem has both an economic and a political...

Lula: Media, US-Friendly Elites Responsible for Brazil’s Coup

Lula told teleSUR that new Senate-imposed interim President Michel Temer is making decisions that do not correspond to an interim, democratic government. Former Brazilian President...

U.S. Troops to Disembark in Argentina

By : Héctor Bernardo / Source: Resumen Latinoamericano / The Dawn News /  Mauricio Macri sent a delegation to the United States to arrange the...

Berlin backs Monsanto, people are revolting against it.

Business. Made in Germany A multi-billion dollar weedkiller used in British farms, parks and gardens has been linked to cancer by the WHO, but its...