Latin America
“The Chilean State is committing a Disguised Genocide”
“I feel that the Chilean State is committing a disguised genocide, it’s a Terrorist State and this genocide is like the one perpetrated 500 years ago, but is now being disguised, mass media hides it and society in general is not aware of what’s happening”. These are the worlds of Barbara Villalba, teacher and member of the Coordination for the Defense of the Mapuche people.
Left debates Venezuela
The Bolivarian Revolution faces determined attacks led by Venezuelan elites. But the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) shares blame for the current situation. The party’s relationship with its mass base had deteriorated; corruption and economic turmoil impact ordinary Venezuelans; and the bid to democratize the state was largely abandoned. These all left an opening for the opposition.
Puerto Rico: The Crisis Exposes Deception
Ten years of recession have made Puerto Rico’s government insolvent and made its economy collapse. The problems of Puerto Rico started before the global crisis emerged in Wall Street and now it contributes to making the crisis public but also, much more serious. Now, it is finally revealing the fiscal and economic failure of the colonial regime and it has caught the nation in a situation which appears impossible to solve.
Supreme Court Rejected Puerto Rico Law in Debt Restructuring Case
Last Monday The Supreme Court ruled against Puerto Rico regarding its Debt, and determined that the island cannot turn to Act 71 – which enables some Commonwealth Public Corporation in financial distress to restructure their debt obligations – striking down Puerto Rico law.
Brazil: “Wikileaks proves that Temer is even closer to the US”,...
Glenn Greenwald is the journalist that was responsible for a series of articles that revealed to the world the espionage carried out by the US government through the NSA, the National Intelligence Agency. One of the spied people was the Brazilian President, Dilma Rousseff.
Argentina: National Mobilization of Press Workers
The aim of the mobilization was to demand a proper wage negotiation process, the cessation of layoffs, the ending of job insecurity and to claim that the minimum wage should not be below the Family Basket. They protested in defense of Freedom of Speech, the compliance of agreements made with companies and the State, the ending of persecution due to political activism, the elimination of wage taxes and the immediate annulment of the Anti-protest Protocol.
Unrest in Colombia
Tens of thousands of peasants, rural workers, and Indigenous people in Colombia have been fighting against massive land inequality and privatization decrees, as well as the right to participate in the ongoing Colombian peace talks, under the banner of the Minga (Strike) of Resistance for Life, Territory, Dignity, Peace, and the Implementation of the Agreements.
In Uruguay The March Of Silence – For South America’s Martyrs...
By Andre Vltchek
They were marching shoulder-to-shoulder, young and old, in absolute silence. Some were carrying small placards with names and photos of their loved...
Capitalism (and NATO) on world offensive (France, Africa etc…) by James...
What does it mean when the US and British financial systems launder hundreds of billions of dollars of illicit funds stolen by world leaders while their governments turn a ‘blind eye’, and yet the very same Anglo-American officials investigate, prosecute, fine and arrest officials from rival governments, rival banks and political leaders for corruption?
Hillary Clinton’s Memoir Deletions, in Detail
By Ming Chun Tang
As was reported following the assassination of prominent Honduran environmental activist Berta Cáceres in March, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton...