Saturday, 22 February , 2025

Lapavitsas Kostas

Costas Lapavitsas – Retreat of the extreme centre, rise of the...

Jul 9, 2024 In Europe the extreme centre is fading. While the far right is gaining momentum the left has finally dashed out of the...

Lapavitsas, Varoufakis and the suffering of the Greek people

Kostas Lapavitsas is a Greek economist working in the SOAS, the British University specialized in the old "colonies". During the whole Greek crisis he...

Cette crise a révélé les absurdités du néolibéralisme Cela ne signifie...

Par Costas Lapavitsas Le choc du coronavirus a ébranlé les marchés boursiers mondiaux, imposant la nécessité de renflouements massifs de l’État. Mais les mesures visant...

This Crisis Has Exposed the Absurdities of Neoliberalism. That Doesn’t Mean...

The coronavirus shock has shaken the world’s stock markets, imposing the need for massive state bailouts. But the measures to deal with the crisis...

Boris’ Deal is No Left Exit

Socialist critics of the EU won't achieve a left-wing exit through a Tory deal which copperfastens neoliberal policies, argues Costas Lapavitsas. By Costas Lapavitsas 21/10/2019 The key...

Why Varoufakis’ DiEM2025 is fighting the wrong fight

This text deals with strategy, but strategy cannot be seen separate from people and their histories and actions. SYRIZA has always been an uneasy...