Sunday, 23 February , 2025

Labour Party

Corbyn’s election – a historic triumph

“The media and many of us, simply didn’t understand the views of young people in our country. They were turned off by the way politics was being conducted. We have to and must change that. The fightback gathers speed and gathers pace,” he said

A Long Way to Go by Jeremy Corbyn

In November 2015, Socialist Register co-editor Leo Panitch and Red Pepper’s Hilary Wainwright spoke with Corbyn on a train to London from Birmingham where he had been meeting with union shop stewards. They discussed what the leader has accomplished so far and the challenges ahead.

Labour’s Witch Hunt

A specter is haunting the British Labour Party — the specter of Trotskyism. All the powers of the old party leadership have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this specter: deputy leaders and general secretaries, Blairites and Brownites, the soft left and the hard right.

They will do everything against Corbyn!

The real reason for the ludicrous attacks on Corbyn is that the right know they’re losing, says Nick Clark Leading Labour Party figures stepped up their attack on their own membership last week in a bid to rig the leadership election against Jeremy Corbyn. Labour’s general secretary Iain McNicol emailed the party’s national executive committee

To understand Jeremy Corbyn, look first at Vladimir Derer

Corbyn has been compared to many in the Labour party - George Lansbury, Michael Foot and Militant Tendency. However, none of them capture Corbyn’s brand of socialism, except for Vladimir Derer, the founder of the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy (CLPD). He is the central intellectual spirit behind Corbynism, a man who sought to transform the Labour party

Labour shadow ministers resigned ‘because they feared Jeremy Corbyn would win...

Journalist-turned Labour activist Paul Mason said members of Mr Corbyn's top team had co-ordinated the mass walkout because they feared it was their "last chance" to unseat him before a "winnable" general election.

Jeremy Corbyn Interview: On Owen Smith, Trident, Brexit, The Housing Crisis...

Two and a half hours before his rally had even started, the queue to see Jeremy Corbyn had already begun. The line of supporters snaked around Swansea’s LC2 leisure complex, a mix of young and old, parents and teenagers.

The Labour party executive has just HANDED Corbyn the leadership election

By Steve Topple In a secret ballot this afternoon, Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) voted to allow the party’s leader, Jeremy Corbyn, to go onto the...

We can’t leave the negotiations with Europe to the Tories, by...

What’s needed instead is leadership and a clear strategy. We must respect the democratic decision of the British people – and negotiate a new relationship with the EU: one that protects jobs, living standards and workers’ rights – and also ensures we have the freedom to reshape a 21st century economy for all our people.

Jeremy Corbyn: The first western statesman to apologize for...

That apology is owed to the people of Iraq, the families of those soldiers who died in Iraq or who have returned home injured or incapacitated, and to the millions of British citizens who feel our democracy was traduced and undermined when the decision to go to war was made