By Jonathan Cook
Watching the BBC’s coverage of the election, you could be excused for taking away two main impressions of last night’s results. First,...
You should be too.
By John Nichols
Bernie Sanders traveled to Britain last week, attracting crowds that confirmed that the Vermont senator has emerged...
A Labour victory would be an upset akin to Trump’s election last November. Nonetheless, polls indicate the Brexit-rocked nation could surprise
When Theresa May triggered...
By Gary Younge
The late Uruguayan author Eduardo Galeano once expressed his deepest concern that “we are all suffering from amnesia … blind to small...
Following the recent local government elections in Scotland, the Conservative Party of Prime Minister Theresa May is now the second largest after the Scottish...
Labour’s election manifesto launch has boosted Corbyn’s campaign, which has been drawing thousands to rallies across the country. Debate has shifted to a new...