Thursday, 30 January , 2025

Labor Legislation

Chômage : le Conseil d’Etat suspend les nouvelles règles de calcul,...

Les nouvelles règles de calcul instaurées par la réforme controversée de l’assurance chômage ne rentreront finalement pas en vigueur le 1er juillet. 22 juin 2021 La juge...

Thousands of Greeks protest Labor Law on general Strike Day

June 10, 2021 In one of the largest strikes in recent years, thousands of Greeks joined the protest rallies and sent a strong message against...

Greece: Workers oppose imposition of slave economy

Jun 2, 2021 ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Greek labor unions are calling a 24-hour general strike for next week to protest proposed legislation which they...

Non a l’esclavage

Le gouvernement grec introduit un projet de loi qui demantèle tous les droits des sans scrupule. La semaine de 5 jours, la journée...

The Grassroots Battle To Change America’s Labor Laws

To fight for historic worker rights legislation, major unions and the socialist left are joining forces like never before. By Sam Mellins Apr. 12, 2021 For the...

Greek workers walk out to protest against reform on strike action

Transport disrupted as workers stage walk out against proposed changes unions say will make it hard to call strikes Sept. 24, 2019 Workers in Greece have staged their first...

EU, IMF Impose Most Anti-Union Legislation In Europe on Greece

The move was demanded, along with other draconian measures, as a condition of the latest tranche of what is called Greece’s bailout. by Will Podmore...

Eriger le totalitarisme europeen sur les ruines de la Grèce

La violation des droits fondamentau “Le 1er décembre, deux députés socialistes, la Portugaise Maria Joao Rodrigues, vice-présidente du groupe, et sa consœur allemande Jutta Steinruck,...

Dismiss pregnant women if you wish!

Pregnant women can be dismissed as part of redundancy rounds, ECJ rules Feb 22, 2018 Pregnant women and new mothers are normally afforded immunity from workplace...