By Thomas Newdick
September 18, 2020
Current nuclear war plans are among any nuclear-armed military’s most closely guarded secrets. Details of one such attack plan recently...
By Hyonhee Shin
Jun22, 2020
SEOUL (Reuters) - Accounts by former U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton of discussions between leaders of the United States and...
By George Szamuely
22 May, 2020
President Donald Trump, if he is re-elected in November and no longer fearing desertion of his anti-interventionist supporters, may well...
Trump Postpones G7 Until September, Plans to Invite Russia, South Korea, Australia, India
The summit was originally scheduled to take place on 10-12 June in...
Димитрис Константакопулос
Как это обычно бывает в кризисные времена, «ленинцы рыночной системы» могут попытаться использовать шоковую ситуацию для продвижения своей повестки дня. Они знают, что...
Published by Valdai Discussion Club
It is clear that we are entering worldwide an era of very grave social, political and international conflicts and we...