Wednesday, 5 February , 2025

Klare Michael

Why Do Men Keep Making War? An Interview with Michael Klare

by Jonah Raskin January 21, 2022 Michael Klare has had war in all its many ignominious manifestations on his mind for the past 60 years, going...

China 2049

A Climate Disaster Zone, Not a Military Superpower By Michael Klare Aug. 24, 2021 In recent months, Washington has had a lot to say about China’s ever-expanding...

Michael Klare, Is a Cold War Still Possible in an Overheating...

China 2049 A Climate Disaster Zone, Not a Military Superpower By Michael Klare Aug. 24, 2021 In recent months, Washington has had a lot to say about China’s...

How will the US counter China?

Would a Joe Biden administration relieve pressure on China, with less antagonism? Though the rhetoric may be softened, the main thrust of US policy,...