Feb 28, 2023
The European Commission has expressed its concern regarding the independence of Greece’s justice system after a EURACTIV report revealed that there was...
Through it, it calls on the Greek authorities to comply with their obligations to protect and support them Human Rights including the right to...
TRIBUNE. Après presque trois ans de procédure et deux décisions favorables à Vincenzo Vecchi, c’est désormais l’avocat général de la Cour de Justice de...
Initially, the judges were analyzing accusations against 20 criminals. During the process, however, the Court found that three defendants had already died and asked...
A la différence de Wissam El Yamni, où les magistrats donnent une totale confiance aveugle à l'IGPN sous prétexte qu’elle serait assermentée, les magistrats...
Case could have implications for Israeli settlements
FEBRUARY 18, 2021
International Criminal Court Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said she would make a...