Saturday, 1 March , 2025


Prosecutor investigates “death contract” denouncement by journalist Vaxevanis

April 24, 2021 Renowned Greek investigative journalist and publisher Kosta Vaxevanis revealed on Friday that he has received information claiming that he has been the...

Daphne Caruana Galizia murder: 15-year sentence for Vince Muscat after guilty...

Feb. 23, 2021 Vincent Muscat was sentenced to 15 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to the murder of Malta investigative journalist Daphne Caruana...

Journalists and the Looming Superstorm of Climate Disinformation

With climate action on the table, disinformation is poised to get louder. What should journalists do about it? By Andrew McCormick Feb.25, 2021 Texas had only just...

Filmer la police est un droit : deux policiers jugés coupables...

29 janvier 2021 Nous attendions ce jugement depuis 5 ans, il a enfin été rendu. Les 2 policiers qui avaient saisi la caméra de notre...

Solidarity with Sener Levent and Esra Aygin

The National Federation of Cypriots in the UK expresses its solidarity with Turkish Cypriot journalists Sener Levent and Esra Aygin following dangerous and unacceptable...

Even If Assange’s Death isn’t the Goal of the US and...

by Jonathan Cook* January 8, 2021 There was a hope in some quarters after Judge Vanessa Baraitser ruled on Monday against an application to extradite Julian...

Verdict on Assange: An enormous victory of the international public opinion!

Good news the extradition of Julian Assange has been refused. Extradition would be an attack on press freedom. It is alarming the judge has...

Putin Calls for Quick and Harsh Response to Violation of Russian...

by Evgeny Mikhaylov Dec 10, 2020 The statement comes after yet another incident with Sputnik Latvia journalists. Stringers working for the news site were detained by...

Help Latvian Journalists defend the right to information and expression. Stop...

By Dr. Tatiana Zdanoka and Mirsoslavs Mitrofanovs * On December 3, the Latvian State Security Service searched the apartments and detained seven Latvian journalists, writing...

National Union of Journalists launches campaign for freelance workers’ rights

By Peter Lazenby November 28, 2020 THE National Union of Journalists (NUJ) has launched a campaign for the rights of freelance media workers. The union has drawn...