Wednesday, 22 January , 2025


The Debate on the power of the Lobby, Petras vs. Chomsky

Noam Chomsky and the Pro-Israel Lobby: Fourteen Erroneous Theses By James Petras 06/04/2006 «…Reflexes that ordinarily spring automatically to the defense of open debate and free...

The Fools On Capitol Hill

Washington is run by Israel’s proxies. By Philip Giraldi Americans remain largely ignorant about the extent to which foreign influence pervades the United States government, and...

Frappes sur Gaza : «Vous n’aurez pas le silence des juifs...

Signez la pétition Le 30 Octobre était publié une tribune sur Libération regroupant un collectif de personnalités juives dénonçant l’opération militaire en cours à Gaza...

The Israel Lobby – John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt

Mar 23, 2006 For the past several decades, and especially since the Six-Day War in 1967, the centrepiece of US Middle Eastern policy has been...

Israel Lobby In USA

By Mazin Qumsiyeh, November 19, 2023 AIPAC has mobilized its vast resources to attack the few voices in Congress that piut US interests ahead of Israeli...

Que serait Gaza sans le couple Israël /Etats-Unis ?

Par Vladimir MARCIAC En France, à cause de la seconde guerre mondiale, de la déportation massive de juifs (hommes, femmes, enfants) vers des camps de...

Le lobby israélien aux Etats-Unis

Par Mazin Qumsiyeh, Résistance Populaire 19 novembre 2023 L'AIPAC a mobilisé ses vastes ressources pour attaquer les quelques voix au Congrès qui font passer les intérêts...

The Abraham Accords, Expression of a Fundamentalist Religious Alliance

The war in Gaza has overshadowed the normalisation agreements signed in 2020 between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Morocco. Beyond its geopolitical...

‘I come before you as a Jew,’ Blinken tells Israel after...

Antony Blinken: “I understand on a personal level the harrowing echoes that Hamas’s massacres carry for Israeli Jews – indeed, for Jews everywhere.” By ...

Turkish opposition marks 68th anniversary of Istanbul pogrom

Turkey’s opposition Green Left Party, DEVA Party and Workers' Party of Turkey have commemorated the victims of the 1955 Istanbul pogrom. The pogrom was...