December 23, 2020
L’un des aspects les plus frappants dans la pandémie de Covid-19, c’est la différence radicale des stratégies mises en place d’un pays...
Would a Joe Biden administration relieve pressure on China, with less antagonism? Though the rhetoric may be softened, the main thrust of US policy,...
Thinktank urges UK to build democratic counterweight to China’s growing influence
By Patrick Wintour
22 Nov 2020
The UK should make a major post-Brexit tilt towards the...
The Biden Presidency Worries India
8 NOVEMBER, 2020
From the Indian perspective, the prospect of a Joe Biden presidency becomes a moment of ‘memory mixing with...
18 May, 2020
Moscow has continued to sell off US Treasury securities, cutting its stockpile by US$8.73 billion in March, according to the latest data...
The second in a seven-part, multi-week series of commentary on the COVID-19 crisis
By Radhika Desai
May 14, 2020
This is the second in a seven-part, multi-week...
Sous-financée, dépendante de donateurs privés dont Bill Gates, l’OMS peut-elle encore assurer ses missions au service de la santé publique ? Une solide investigation...