Monday, 10 March , 2025


Sergio Cesaratto – Stability Pact: ‘EU and Germany must compensate us,...

Without a serious change in governance, there is a risk that the new rules of the Stability Pact will lead to a repetition of...

Two ways ahead for Europe and the former USSR | By...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Today we publish the second and final part of the interview with Sergei Yurievich Glaziev (You can read the first part of...

UE 2022: Paris et les autres

Vu d’Allemagne Le pilote de l’Europe, c’est bel et bien la France Handelsblatt (Düsseldorf) Paris prend les rênes du Conseil de l’Union européenne ce 1er janvier, pour...

La lutte des GKN*: « Arrêtons les délocalisations »

« L’assemblée permanente des travailleuses et des travailleurs de Gkn à Florence a voté le le 26 août devant les portes de l’établissement, un document...

Sergio Cesaratto – Those Italian subsidies for Germany

Italy has paid for certain ill-advised policies of the ECB – influenced by Berlin, the dominant power in Europe – with dozens of points...

Macron’s predatory deal with Draghi

France is exploiting the newly signed Quirinale Treaty for its own ends by Thomas Fazi 26November 2021 French president Emmanuel Macron will be in Rome today...

The Recovery Files: scrutinising the billions from Brussels

By Lise Witteman, Peter Teffer Nov. 3, 2021 The EU has set up a 723.8 billion euro recovery fund to help member states boost their post-pandemic...

European authorities refuse to rescue over 400 refugees in Malta’s Mediterranean...

By Ben Cowles November 25, 2021 EUROPEAN maritime authorities have refused to come to the aid of over 400 people travelling across the Mediterranean in an...

The cruelty of EU austerity

Brussels is punishing the poor simply because it can By Thomas Fazi November 9, 2021 Much has been said about the supposedly “unprecedented” fiscal measures deployed by...

Onde de choc en Italie après la condamnation d’un ancien maire...

Par Leslie Carretero Oct. 10, 2021 La condamnation, jeudi, de l'ancien maire de Riace en Calabre (sud de l'Italie), Domenico Lucano, à plus de 13...