Monday, 10 March , 2025


Italian Fascists support war on Russia

By Crispian Balmer Jul 22, 2022 ROME (Reuters) - Italy will keep sending arms to Ukraine and back Kyiv in its war against Russia if the...

Europe’s “apocalypse of heat” highlights capitalism’s climate crisis

By Thomas Scripps Jul 19, 2022 Europe’s second heat wave this summer is setting record temperatures across the continent. Much of Southern and Western Europe will...

Wolfgang Streeck – Means of destruction

As terrible as it is for the Ukrainian people, the Ukrainian war is only a side issue in a much larger story. Wolfgang Streeck is...

‘Just hell.’ 5 countries suffering in Europe’s heat wave

‘Unprecedented’ lethal weather starts to engulf European nations. By Antoaneta Roussi and Eddy Wax July 16, 2022 As Europe feels the heat, politicians are sweating. In the...

French-Italian nationalists’ clash to blow up EU far-right unity

By Eleonora Vasques and Théo Bourgery Jul 4, 2022 Ideological divisions between the French National Rally (Rassemblement National) and the Italian League Party (Lega) over the...

NATO is preparing world war against Russia and China

US announces plans to flood Europe with troops and weapons By Andre Damon Jun 30, 2022 In remarks at the NATO Summit in Madrid, Spain, US President...

Protests in more than 20 Italian cities as workers oppose more...

Demonstrations were held in more than 20 towns and cities across Italy on Saturday as the country’s economy continues to decline. Thousands gathered in the...

One-day general strike against war and social cuts in Italy

Large parts of Italy were paralyzed in a one-day general strike organised by grassroots unions May 20. The strike was directed against NATO’s war...

L’Ukraine est une crête historique

 english | español | italiano Mauro Casadio – Rete dei Comunisti Le saut qualitatif mis en évidence par la guerre en Ukraine est le produit direct...

US and UK Split With France and Claim There Is No...

After French President Emmanual Macron called for a negotiated settlement to the war in Ukraine, American and British officials said Russia must lose by...