Friday, 7 March , 2025


Renzi on Italy and the EU

A Conversation With Matteo Renzi. Matteo Renzi discusses the political and economic issues facing Italy and the European Union

Saving The EU From The Euro

The Ventotene summit among Prime Minister Renzi, Chancellor Merkel and President Hollande took place recently. Crucial issues were on the agenda: the geo-political conflicts at the borders of the European Union; internal security; migratory flows; economic growth. A strong wind of rhetoric about relaunching the ideals of the founding fathers of a united Europe

Italy, Russia – notes on the St. Petersburg Forum 2016, by...

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi was the only western leader attending the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Some events are not accidental, especially if they are followed by far-reaching consequences.

STIGLITZ: Italy could be the ‘cataclysmic event’ that leads to the...

By Will Martin Europe is heading towards a "cataclysmic event" that could lead to the collapse of the euro and the end of the European project...

After Greece and Cyprus, they prepare to attack Italy

A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of banking collapses in Italy, which could lead to renewed crisis in the eurozone, and a wider banking crisis affecting other countries with high exposure to Italian bank debt. Italy’s banks are in deep trouble, weighed down by €360bn of bad debt (“non-performing loans” in the jargon), equivalent to a fifth of Italy’s GDP (and about 18% of all the banks’ loans).

Italy banking crisis on the wall

In Italy the banking crisis has been written on the wall for some time, the product of the concurrent circumstances of a weak economy (with attendant increase in the banks' NPL [non performing loans]), the imposition by the ECB of ever tighter capital requirements along with near-zero interest rates and untimely adoption of bail-in provisions.

Brexit – a view from Russia

Dugin (D): The UK’s withdrawal from the European Union is an event of colossal importance. The whole architecture of the world is changing, because it is not just one of the European countries, it is one of the poles of European civilization.

The geopolitics of European football

Euro 2016 has just begun. Thousands of fans, despite unprecedented security measures, have already collided in real fights. This alone demonstrates that football for...

West prepares new war in Libya!

By Bill Van Auken Five years after a US-NATO war shattered Libya, Washington is preparing to send troops into the oil-rich North African nation for...

Stefano Fassina on Grexit, Euro and EU

Stefano Fassina was Vice Minister of Economy and Finance of Italy, but he left the government after a disagreement with policies of PM Mateo...