Germany’s Seehofer pushes migrant take-back deal with Italy, Greece
Aug 6, 2018
German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer on Sunday (5 August) said he hoped for...
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Grèce. Incendies et politique d’austérité. La solidarité populaire face...
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L’Italie est un pays, où depuis 1948 et surtout à partir des années 1990 avec la « deuxième république » et l’arrivée de Berlusconi...
By Manlio Dinucci
July 05, 2018
Two summits, both in Brussels at a two-week interval, represent the status quo of the European situation. The meeting of...
C’est avec un sentiment d’accablement que mes camarades et moi-même venons d’apprendre le décès prématuré et inattendu du très fin et très combatif philosophe...
Interview with Massimo D'Alema about Greek crisis, former Italian Prime Minister, former Italian Foreign Minister, former Secretary od Democratic Party, Europeanist. 01/07/2015
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Europe is facing its most significant refugee crisis since World War Two. All attempts at resolving the issue have failed,...
After fierce negotiations, G7 leaders issue typical statement after US trade threats and tensions over tariff dispute
Jun 10, 2018
US President Donald Trump has pulled...
Don’t be fooled by Bannon’s split with Trump. He’s leading a Trumpian onslaught to undermine European democracy itself
By Natalie Nougayrède
6 Jun 2018
Steve Bannon is...