Monday, 10 March , 2025


Elites “Going Rogue” Suggests The Global Neoliberal Architecture Is Collapsing

by Tyler Durden Thu, 08/29/2019 Authored by Michael Every via Rabobank, Listen carefully. That is the sound of going rogue – and bond yields further through...

Italy’s Matteo Salvini is a more dangerous threat to the EU...

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard 28th Aug 2019 Be careful what you wish for in Italian politics. The exile of the volcanic Matteo Salvini is a Faustian Bargain...

Povera Italia

Par Denis Collin 26/08/2019 On ne peut s’empêcher de reprendre l’expression de Francesco Guicciardini confronté aux « horrende guerre » qui ensanglantent son pays à la fin du...

Italie: Les illusions se terminent mal. Limites d’ une extreme droite...

Le philosophe italien Diego Fusaro analyse pour RT France la crise politique qui secoue actuellement l'Italie après l'appel à des élections anticipées de Matteo...

Salvini revealed – a friend of US and Netanyahu, not of...

Matteo Salvini’s enthusiasm for Trump did not win him a meeting with the president; and his Washington visit this week may undermine Italy in...

Volatile Italy

Scandals Aren’t Enough to Stop Salvini By David Broder 08.09.2019 It’s an index of the Left’s impotence that its main hope of stopping Matteo Salvini today lies...

French-backed Libyan militia airstrike kills 42 civilians

By Alex Lantier 7 August 2019 On Monday, a month after military strongman Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army (LNA) bombed a refugee detention camp near...

Draft NATO-affiliated report reveals number & location of US nukes in...

17 Jul, 2019 A published – and later amended – draft report, prepared by a member of a NATO-affiliated body, went into a bit of...

Rome strikes deal with five EU nations over stranded migrants

By Natalie Huet  & Evelyn Laverick 01/08/2019 Italy said on Wednesday it would allow an Italian coastguard ship to finally disembark 116 migrants who were stranded for days...

Des élections européennes pour quoi faire ?

Par Danielle RIVA Ces élections européennes ont été impactées par 3 questions essentielles : les flux migratoires, le climat, la question sociale. L’absence d’une politique des...