Sunday, 9 March , 2025


Israel’s dance with far-right movements across the world

The current far-right agenda has more to do with Islamophobia than anti-Semitism, but both sentiments are on the rise across the West. So why...

Italy Enters Chapter Two of the Corona Crisis

The number of coronavirus cases is slowly sinking in Italy, but the country is now facing the next phase of a serious crisis: how...

Giulietto Chiesa on the Front Line Until the End | By...

April 28, 2020 Giulietto Chiesa died a few hours after concluding the April 25th International Conference “Let’s Get Rid of War Virus”  on the 75th...

L’ultimo intervento di Giulietto Chiesa con Manlio Dinucci (25 Aprile 2020)

L'ultimo intervento di Giulietto Chiesa, andato in onda via web con Manlio Dinucci, il giorno prima del suo decesso Also read Giulietto Chiesa (1940-2020): An intellectual...

Giulietto Chiesa (1940-2020): An intellectual of action

It is with great sorrow that we learned yesterday, April 26th, that Giulietto Chiesa has passed away. One of the most remarkable European intellectuals...

The Delphi Forum, June 2015 – Speech by Giulietto Chiesa

The Delphi Forum, 20-21 June 2015,  Delphi, Greece

Italy’s migrants living through an emergency within an emergency

In Castel Volturno, thousands of undocumented migrants are caught between coronavirus and the mafia. by Elisa Oddone 11 Apr 2020 On what used to be a vast...

Le néolibéralisme, maladie incurable de l’Italie ?

20 avril 2020 Le coronavirus frappe un pays affaibli par des réformes structurelles qui ont organisé l’économie et la société italiennes sur la base des...

For Southern Italy, the Coronavirus Becomes a War on 2 Fronts

As it confronts the ravages of the virus, Italy’s less developed south also faces economic carnage not seen since just after World War II,...

Les causes profondes de la crise italienne

La crise italienne puise sa source dans la situation économique du pays et dans les déficiences institutionnelles de la zone euro. Par Patrick Artus (chef...