Monday, 10 March , 2025


The slow suicide of the European left-wing parties

By Antonio Lettieri * June 14, 2021 Over the past decade, many eurozone governments have had variable lifespans, but what they have in common is their...

Valentine Battisti: «Va-t-on laisser mourir mon père en prison?»

A l’isolement depuis deux ans dans une prison italienne avec un régime réservé aux djihadistes, l’ancien activiste Cesare Battisti a cessé de s’alimenter le...

Cesare Battisti en grève de la faim: le désespoir et le...

10 juin 2021 Pour quiconque se préoccupe encore de la situation de Cesare Battisti, se confronter à la situation qui lui est faite aujourd’hui, ne...

‘Anti-Zionist Naples’: Award-Winning Italian Artist Speaks about Palestine and Why He...

By Romana Rubeo and Ramzy Baroud May 7, 2021 Photo: Supplied On April 1, a mural appeared in the Southern Italian city of Naples, depicting Palestinian workers...

Italian ‘sovereignists’ join the EU’s anti-Russian crusade

By Fabrizio Verde May 12, 2021 Russia has decided to respond to the long series of Russophobic provocations, threats and intimidations from the European Union. Brussels,...

Morocco: U.S. to lead war games after 30-year ceasefire with Western...

By Rick Rozoff April 29, 2021 The U.S. and NATO and African military allies are now planning this year’s iteration of the annual African Lion war...

L’extradition annoncée des exilés italiens : revanchisme d’État et persistance du...

30 Avril 2021 L’arrestation, mercredi 28 avril, de sept exilé·es politiques italiens, deux autres étant en fuite à l’heure où sont écrites ces lignes, ne...

Facebook bans RT’s digital content project Redfish after posts marking end...

30 Apr, 2021 RT’s Redfish, an award-winning Berlin-based digital content project, has had its Facebook page of over 830,000 followers deleted over posts commemorating the...


Arrêter des personnes qui avaient obtenu l’asile 40 ans plus tard est une honte pour l’image internationale de la France et l’illusion que la...

The international struggle of Amazon workers and its significance

A Worldwide Workers' Revolt Against Amazon Has Begun By Luis Feliz Leon April 15, 2021 The union drive at Amazon’s 885,000-square-foot warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama, failed. But...