Monday, 24 February , 2025


A looming provocation? Turkey, Syria and the refugees

It seems that neither Turkey or Saudi Arabia are very happy with the Obama-Putin agreement in Syria. They are not also happy with the...

Syriza’s Foreign Policy

By Sotiris Dimopoulos Following Syriza's election victory, a year ago, some Western leaders and media pundits began to speak of the party’s dangerous foreign policy...

The Israeli answer to the refugee/immigrant problem  

Logistics of Terrorists Support Mechanisms in Georgia and Turkish “Dirty Wars”

by Seth Ferris Introduction by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor, Veterans Today: To the casual observer, seemingly unrelated stories do not interrelate, nor do they support the...

Do we need a bigger war?

The Syrian Army and its allies have clearly turned the tide in the Syrian war. The "facts on the ground" have changed dramatically for...

Bernie Sanders, Israel and Palestine

We want to draw the attention of our readers to the following article published in electronic intifada because of a lot of detailed data...

Greek Summer Crisis: Geopolitical Winners and Losers

“It’s barbarism. I see it coming masqueraded under lawless alliances and predetermined enslavements. It may not be about Hitler's furnaces, but about the methodical...

Turkey, Russia and the middle-eastern puzzle

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Russian intervention in Syria has had huge strategic consequences. Without this intervention, the Assad regime would have already gone or at least...

No Danger of Nuclear War? The Pentagon’s Plan to Blow up...

More than 2000 nuclear explosions have occurred since 1945 as part of nuclear weapons’ testing. Officially only two nuclear bombs (Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 6 and...

Voice of an Israeli Dissident

By Miko Peled Israel is being attacked by Arab countries that want to destroy it, so what is Israel supposed to do? Israeli soldiers are...