Thursday, 13 March , 2025


Cyprus should not be an Israeli military training ground

June 15th, 2017 Cyprus Opinion AKEL spoke for many people when it expressed its disapproval of the joint military exercise between the National Guard and the...

Tsipras’ Love Affair With Netanyahu’s Israel Deserves an Explanation

ByC.J. Polychroniou Jan 30, 2016 Only a few months before it’s rise to power, Tsipras’ Syriza party was attacking Israel’s “criminal” policies towards Palestinians. Today, Greece’s Syriza-led...

Assad winning, Netanyahu losing: will Israel accept it?

The Syrian War is Ending and Assad is the Victor by Robert Fisk A message came through from Syria on my mobile phone last week. “General...

Israel and the establishment of an independed Kurdistan

Netanyahu: Israel Supports the Establishment of an Independent Kurdistan Netanyahu says that while Israel sees the Kurdish guerillas PKK as a terrorist organization, 'it supports...

Iran, Israel and the big mess in Washington

By Giulietto Chiesa In the big mess of the current American foreign policy, which is an effect of the internal political mess, Iran represents the...

Korea: Israeli advice to Trump

Israel Has a Playbook for Dealing With North Korea Saddam and Assad both tried to build the ultimate threat. The Israelis made sure it didn't...

Notes On The Junta, An Unnecessary Land-Corridor And A Regular Russian...

August 24, 2017 According to a 1950s political theory The Structure of Power in American Society is mainly build on three elite groups, the high...

The Syrian victory over terrorists in Deir ez-Zor is horrifying Israel

By Afra'a Dagher Israeli TV recently reported concerns about the advances of the Syrian Army in the east of Syria, particularly...

Why Killing the Iran Deal Could Start the next War in...

By Ross Harrison August 1, 2017 There are troubling signs that the Trump administration is itching for a fight with Iran. While the White House recently...

The Reasons for Netanyahu’s Panic

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is pushing the panic button over the collapse of the Saudi-Israeli jihadist proxies in Syria and now threatening to launch...