Monday, 10 March , 2025


Israel is Bombing Gaza

Israeli Fighter Jets Hit Targets in Gaza Strip After 'Day of Rage' Protest Skirmishes between the Israelis and Palestinians escalated Friday on the Gaza Strip...

Never Trust Netanyahu

The Israeli prime minister’s last-minute political ploys prove that he’s an opportunist of the worst kind. And the U.S. has to stop enabling his...

Putin To Visit Turkey And Egypt Amid Anger Over Trump’s Jerusalem...

Russian President Vladimir Putin, already scheduled to visit Egypt on December 11, will travel to Turkey on the same day for talks with President...

Jérusalem capitale d’Israël: un risque mondial ?

Donald Trump vient de reconnaître Jérusalem comme la capitale d’Israël. Les réactions se multiplient mais, à l’heure où cet article est rédigé, aucun trouble...

Israël à l’heure de l’Inquisition

Mars 2016 Un projet de loi approuvé par M. Benyamin Netanyahou entend imposer de nouvelles exigences de transparence aux associations israéliennes. Ce texte qui vise à...

«La résistance palestinienne» – 3 questions à Bernard Ravenel, par Pascal...

07-11-2017 Bernard Ravenel, agrégé d’histoire, fut responsable des relations internationales du PSU. Ancien président de l’AFPS (2001-2009) et de la plateforme des ONG françaises pour...

Centenaire Balfour: La Palestine cent ans après

By René Naba Novembre 27, 2017 Journaliste-écrivain, ancien responsable du Monde arabo musulman au service diplomatique de l'AFP, puis conseiller du directeur général de RMC Moyen-Orient,...

Zionists, Evangelicals and Alt-Right: The transition from “Democratic” to “Totalitarian” Imperialism

Netanyahu Ditches US Jews for Alliance with Christian Evangelicals and the Alt-Right by Jonathan Cook For decades most American Jews have claimed an “Israel exemption”: resolutely...

Lay the Foundation of a World “War of Civilizations” by Provoking...

Why Trump's Jerusalem Decision Is Dangerous as Hell Trump's decision is deliberately provocative, reckless and a danger to our national security. By Phyllis Bennis Trump's plan to...

Michael Flynn’s Indictment Exposes Trump Team’s Collusion With Israel, Not Russia

But you wouldn’t know it from reading most mainstream coverage of the revealing affair. By Max Blumenthal When Congress authorized Robert Mueller and his team of...