Friday, 20 September , 2024


Syria, Iran and Israel – Clinton mails reveal the motivation behind.

US-Israeli Blietzkrieg in the Midde East

Τhe following article is containing a lot of interesting elements, linking the US-Israel attack on Syria with the context of the general pursue of...

In Israeli eyes, Trump’s Tomahawks correct the course of history

From an Israeli perspective, US President Donald Trump corrected the course of history in ordering airstrikes against the Syrian regime late Thursday. By Raphael Ahren The...

The Most Dangerous of their Wars: Are Trump and Netanyahu ready...

Pentagon "Presenting Options" For Military Action In Syria By Nancy A. Youssef, John Hudson, Emma Loop The White House and Pentagon have been engaged in a...

Is Israel going to invade Syria?

Liberman: 'The chemical weapons attack was carried out at Assad's bidding' Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beiteinu) addressed the recent chemical weapons massacre in Syria’s...

Marine Le Pen: pro-Jewish, pro-Israel, pro-Zionist

Despite Dual Citizenship Comment, Le Pen Still Pro-Israel By David Israel Marine Le Pen has been demonized by the media even worse than Donald Trump, in...

Putin to Israel: Stop Bombing Syria

Putin Sent Message to Israel That Its Freedom to Act in Syria Is Over Ambassador Bashar Jaafari says Syrian use of anti-aircraft missiles against Israeli...

Israel blames Putin for permitting Syria to defend

Israeli Media Blames Putin For Syria’s Decision to Defend Itself Against Israeli Airstrikes This takes the "blame Russia" cake. With a S-200 on top. By...

Strange Affinities: Netanyahu and the Far Right!

FAR-RIGHT political movements and parties across Europe have exploited popular discontent to gain political power, emboldening some of the most racist, xenophobic and reactionary...

Putin to Netanyahu: Think the future, not the past!

Original post date: 9 March 2017 Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has urged Israel to focus on modern world affairs, after the visiting Israeli PM Benjamin...